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~ Join Us ~

Membership Options currently Available to help us Kickstart LEAP

What Membership Options are currently Available?

~ Because we are in the midst of the crowd-funding phase of our launch, we currently have several potent 3-Month Special Membership Offers available that we provide at a highly reduced exchange.

~ We also have two regular monthly subscription memberships — Basic and Full: The Basic Membership will always be available and the Full membership, with its weekly practices and private group, will start once the special offers have completed.

~ Having said that, we are excited to begin to add in some live practices once we have successfully launched and the community is in full swing: Doing so will allow us to get a feel for how powerful and motivational it is when we have the opportunity to come together to practice with others, rather than always having to do so on our own.

~ Before we describe our membership options and provide essential information involved in becoming a member of LEAP, a brief reminder of two of our fundamental approaches that inform how we are intending to bring a completely agenda-free and member-focused Community to You and all those around the world who are interested in coming together in Unity Consciousness:
(1) Because we wish to remain as free from outside influence as we possibly can, we have chosen to (a) use an independent platform in spite of the substantially greater financial resources and technical expertise required to launch, and (b) take a crowd-funding approach to finance this launch rather than relying on external funding agencies that have agendas of their own.
(2) We want to make this community as accessible as possible to all who wish to be a part of what this Community is about, regardless of their financial resources.

~ Thus, whether you are someone who is going through major financial challenges or someone who has a little financial abundance to share, if you resonate with what LEAP is about, let us come together to create the most powerful version of what LEAP has to offer so that we can (a) reach, support and empower as many individuals as possible and (b) help bring about the planetary Shift in Consciousness that so many of us explicitly came here to help facilitate.

~ Below you will find information about:
* our two regular Monthly Subscription Memberships
* our 3-Month Special Offers that are currently available
* our anticipated Date of Launch
* our Code of Respect and Conduct.

Two regular Monthly Subscription Offers

~ Because our intention is to make this community accessible to all, both memberships will include a Sliding Fee option.

BASIC Community Membership

~ The Basic Membership includes:

  1. Access to the entire community with all of its features, including, for example, (a) a broad range of Groups that cover esoteric and practical topics alike, (2) topical Discussion threads within each Group, (c) personal Profiles & Profile Searches, (d) Individual & Group Messaging, (e) a Global Marketplace where we can offer our Products, Services & Skills, and (f) other opportunities for Networking to help us share our Expertise and Resources and allow us to co-create with each other in whole new ways.
  2. At least 2 times per month we will open participation to our regular live meditation and embodiment practices that are part of the Full membership.

~ The Suggested Exchange is 11.11 USD paid via a monthly subscription fee; the Minimum is $2.22 and there is no maximum.

~ This membership level will always been available. However, we suggest you check out our Special Offers that are currently available to help crowdfund our launch, even if your finances are very limited: Our desire is to include as many individuals as possible in this powerful 3-month Journey and we therefore provide a range of opportunities.

FULL Community Membership

~ The Full Membership, which we also call Accelerated Awakening Membership, gives you access to the following:

      1. The entire community with all of its features (see above).
      2. The Accelerated Awakening Private Group that provides many additional opportunities for focused and inspired connection with others who are also dedicated to their inner work and spiritual path.
      3. Three or four weekly live-streamed “practices” and access to their recordings.
        * Such practices include meditations, energy work, yoga, breath-work, sound healing, dance/free movement, mantra/voice work, as well as occasional live readings and energy updates.
        * Being able to come together regularly to practice as a group, rather than always having to do so on our own, will (a) amplify the potency of the practices, (b) help us be motivated to practice on a regular basis, and (c) greatly accelerate our personal and our planetary evolution.

~ The Suggested Exchange is 55.55 USD via monthly subscription; the minimum is $22.22 and there is no maximum.

   ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

~ It is important to note that our Suggested Exchanges are extremely minimal: Most online creators in the spiritual and wellness fields charge between $20 and $80 just for one live online event without any other benefits.

~ For those with extreme financial challenges, we hope to be able to make some gifted memberships available in addition to a sliding fee option; we will add information as we get closer to this membership opening up.

~ For right now, our focus is on crowd-funding this Launch: Please explore the range of Special Membership Offers we have created to help support Us with our Launch and You with your Awakening, as we create true Win-Win opportunities for All.

Special Offers to Help us Kickstart LEAP

“Birthing the New Divine Human from Within”
A 3-Month Journey into Re-Membering 


Overview of our Special Membership Offers

~ We have explicitly designed this program to be longer-term in nature and to include both powerful spiritual and practical support, thus opening the possibility for much deeper personal transformation to take place.

~ To enable as many individuals as possible to join, we provide 4 different offers at a greatly reduced exchange and all offers are available to Sign up for Yourself or to Gift to Someone – this could be someone you know or someone on our “scholarship” list for those with financial difficulties.

~ We are very aware that there are an increasing number of individuals with extreme financial challenges: Because we wish to be as inclusive as possible, we will offer a sliding fee to those who truly need it.

~ In addition, given how low our Requested Exchanges already are -ranging from 70% to 84% below the actual value of what is offered- we would like to encourage those with even just a little extra financial abundance to consider:
(a) Gifting a Special Offer to someone on our scholarship list
(b) Adding a “Donation/Gift” when purchasing your membership
(c) Making a one-time Donation.

~ We thrive on creating true Win-Win-Win opportunities for All: The more individuals are able to come together for this powerful 3-month opportunity,
(1) the easier it will be for Us to obtain the start-up funds we still need to get this Community launched without any further delay,
(2) the greater the Number of Individuals who will be uplifted and empowered by their participation, and
(3) the more profound of a Planetary Shift we will be able to bring about at this pivotal time in our planetary evolution.

~ Below you will find an overview of the offers and a more detailed description of each of the features.

~ At the bottom of this page is a Purchase Table and additional information about how to sign up for an offer, what to do if you have severe financial hardships, and how to support those with such financial challenges.

~ In terms of the actual content of the offers, we have contributors from around the planet who are at the leading edge of facilitating the most powerful and up-to-date Divine Blueprint and Embodied Ascension work who will be offering the live meditation-activations that are part of the offers.

~ Depending on which of the offers you choose, you will have either 2 or 6 high-vibrational meditation-activations per month, while everyone who participates will have access to a broad range of empowering practical support throughout the entire 3-month period of time.

~ Because our main focus here necessarily has to be on covering all the essential details involved in joining this community, which is already a lot to cover, we are not able to elaborate on the details of the Offers.

~ If you would like to find out more about the spiritual and practical aspects of our offers, why this is such a powerful opportunity for personal transformation, and why it is a very auspicious time for this work to take place, you can check out the LEAP Community Page  on the Alchemy of Creation website.

~ The facilitator of this work is providing her services to help us crowd-fund this launch; we will also provide additional links to further details about the specific services that are part of the Special Offers we have put together for you.

3 Months Offer

$ 27 $165 = 84% off
  • ~ Access entire Community
  • ~ Private "New Human" Group Access
  • ~ 6 Recorded Transmission-Activations
  • ~ 12 Live Meditation Journeys (1/week)
  • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  • ~ Private Session

3 Months Offer

$ 77 $297 = 74% off
  • ~ Access entire Community
  • ~ Private "New Human" Group Access
  • ~ 6 Live Transmission - Activations
  • ~ 12 Live Meditation Journeys (1/week)
  • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  • ~ Private Session

3 Months Offer

$ 127 or 227 $561 = 77% off or $760 = 70% off
  • ~ Access entire Community
  • ~ Private "New Human" Group Access
  • ~ 6 Live Transmission - Activations
  • ~ 12 Live Meditation Journeys (1/week)
  • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  • ~ Private Session

What is included in the Special Offers?

~ There are 5 components to these offers; the comparison table above shows the exact combination of features included in each:
   *  Access to the entire Community with all its Features
   *  Participation in the “New Divine Human” Private Group
   *  either 6 Recorded or 6 Live Transmission-Activation meditation journeys
   *  Three Monthly 4-Call Meditation Series
   *  One Private Session

New Divine Human Private Group

~ Those participating in any of the “New Divine Human” Special Offers will also have access to this exclusive group.

~ This Group will allow us to harness the amplified group energies and provide us with a safe and private space where we can come together to share our experiences, ask questions, support each other and post information relevant to this accelerated embodied ascension process we are engaging in.

Transmission-Activation Meditation Journeys with focus on the Divine Blueprint work

~ There will be 6 live Meditation Journeys offered by individuals who are at the forefront of facilitating this “New Divine Human Blueprint” work; these individuals offer extremely powerful energy work and each will add their unique piece of this multi-dimensional Divine Blueprint “Puzzle” we are here to bring together here on LEAP at this time.

~ These calls are specifically focused on facilitating this Divine Blueprint work and will be between 60-90 minutes in length; each facilitator will bring through the information and the energy work that is in absolute highest alignment at the time the live event will take place.

~ All of our contributors are fully guided when offering their work and we are therefore guaranteed to receive the most powerful, cutting-edge information and transformational energy work available at the time of the live gathering and also accessible via the recordings.

~ There will be additional meditation-activations that directly facilitate this Blueprint work that will be offered as part of the Monthly Call Series (see right below); we will keep you informed who will offer these activations and when the calls will take place via our regular Community email updates.

~ Re-activating our Divine Blueprint and our Multi-dimensional DNA to its original pristine Nature is at the core of (a) restoring our full Potential as Humanity, (b) activating our unique Gifts and Abilities, (c) strengthening our true Connection to Source and restoring our inherent Ability to Heal.

~ The current iteration of this “Divine Blueprint” work is brand new and is only just now becoming available to humanity once again and we are truly excited to get to share it with you!

~ Although different contributors will facilitate these Transmission-Activations, you can go to the Group Events page on the Alchemy of Creation website and check out the description of the “Portal Day Transmission-Activations” to get more of a feel for what these meditations are about.

Three Monthly 4-Call “Meditation Journey” Series

~ Three of the Monthly Meditation Series are included in our accelerated special memberships: Each Call Series is 4-weeks long and consists of 4 highly transformational weekly Meditation Journeys, with a total of at least 12 live meditations over the 3-month-long event.

~ We will therefore have a total of at least 12 live meditation journeys and access to all recordings; keep in mind that some of the live meditations will be facilitated by our global contributors with an explicit focus on furthering the  “Divine Blueprint” work.

~ Some of the live meditations will be facilitated by our global contributors with an explicit focus on furthering the “Divine Blueprint” work, whereas the rest of the regular calls will be offered by the facilitator of the Alchemy of Creation work.

~ Here just a very brief overview of the nature of the regular Alchemy of Creation meditation journeys:
* The work that is facilitated during the journeys accesses the Zero-Point Field and is completely guided, thus allowing for the energy work that is in highest alignment to come through;
* The meditations typically include information about the energy work that is taking place, guided messages for the group, light language and toning, all of which further amplifies the potency of the energy work and helps to anchor its effects into the physical plane;
* Often our Teams of Light -such as our Galactic Families, Ascended Masters, Councils of Light, Angelic Beings, Elohim, Cetaceans, Dragons and Gaia herself- make themselves known and facilitate particular aspects of this work.

~ These weekly meditations tend to build on each other and therefore have powerful, cumulative effects over time.

~ Examples of some of these effects are (a) increasing our vibration, (b) stabilizing and strengthening our energy fields, (c) helping us to integrate the high-frequency Blueprint work and the continuing influx of cosmic and solar ascension energies, and (d) enhancing our ability to navigate these increasingly chaotic times with much more ease and grace.

~ To get an even better feel for the nature of these calls, you can go to the Group Events page on the Alchemy of Creation website: All of the information on the page is relevant, yet the Embodied Ascension series most closely captures the nature of the meditations included here.

Private Session

~ One of the special offers also includes some Private 1-on-1 Session work; there are a limited number of Private Sessions available on a first come, first served basis; this offer is only available to sign up for yourself and cannot be gifted.

~ The depth of the work that can be accomplished within just one private session when offered in the context of participating in the regular weekly meditation journeys is truly profound; if you feel called, being able to add just a single 1-on-1 session during this 3-month event can greatly enhance and deepen this accelerated  nature of this ascension work.

~ If you are interested in including a private session, you can find out more about this 1-on-1 work by going to the Client FeedbackAbout–My Work and Sessions–Description pages on the Alchemy of Creation website.

Community Launch, Updates & Signing up for a Membership Now

Anticipated Time of Launch & Updates

~ Our anticipated day of launch is February 1, 2025 (US & European time; early morning 2-2-25 Australia/New Zealand time).

~ We will have some special live events as part of our launch that we are excited to tell you more about as we get closer to that time; we may also have some pre-launch events, depending on how things unfold. 

~ We are doing our best to make the Community available as soon as possible, especially as it seems that we are about to enter into a period of heightened instability on a global scale.

~ However, the creation of this Community does involve crowd-funding and it is a truly co-creative endeavor, with many individuals bringing their unique skills and resources together to get LEAP fully set up and ready to launch: There therefore could still be a slight delay.

~ If you would like to be informed about our launch, our special live events, and the primary facilitators of our live meditation-activations, we suggest you sign up to receive updates from us.

~ Email will also be our primary way to communicate with our members about important community matters, such as scheduled maintenance, unexpected outages, changes to weekly events, updated links to our live-streams and other key announcements: Thus, as a member of LEAP, being able to receive email updates is essential for you to stay informed.

~ When you sign up for a membership, you will have the option to check a box to receive updates or you can directly subscribe to updates here.

Importance of Signing up for a Membership Now & other Ways of Supporting LEAP

~ As indicated earlier, for us to be able to remain fully independent and agenda-free, crowd-funding is our way to make it possible for us to launch without any further delay.

~ Whether you are supporting us via purchasing a Special Offer or via a Donation/Giftdoing so at this time -rather than waiting until closer to the launch- is truly what will make it possible for us to receive the funds we still need to be able to launch.

~ Below you will find information about how to purchase and/or gift a membership and how to add a donation/gift during the sign-up process; you can also donate independent of a purchase and explore other ways to contribute on our Support Us page.

~ Equally important, if you resonate with what LEAP is about, consider sharing information about this Community with others: Doing so will allow many more individuals to find out what LEAP is about and thus be able to decide for themselves if they would like to participate.

Code of Respect & Conduct for LEAP

Code of Respect & Conduct – Please carefully Consider prior to Signing Up

~ LEAP welcomes and even encourages Diversity on all levels and in all ways.

~ An essential part of being a member of this Community is that you are willing to respect and honor that diversity, rather than judging, criticizing or attacking those who have perspectives that differ from yours.

~ We realize that division and polarization is being weaponized and running rampant at this time. We therefore feel it is important to establish a very clear and simple Code of Respect and Conduct so that we are all on the same page in terms of how to treat and interact with each other.

~ Because having a save space in which we can all feel comfortable to express who we are is integral to what LEAP is about, we ask that everyone reads over this Code of Conduct prior to signing up: Unless you are in full resonance and agree to do your best to adhere to this code as a member of LEAP, we request that you do not join this community.

~ To help us keep LEAP a safe space for everyone, we have moderation (primarily your fellow LEAP members & some moderators) and we reserve the right to remove anyone from the community who is repeatedly out of alignment with our very basic code; you would be warned several times and, as a rule, no reimbursement of funds would be made.

~ Creating a safe, supportive, respectful and uplifting space is essential not only to what LEAP is about, but it is also at the core of our “New Earth” Ways of Living and Being that most of us explicitly came here to embody ever more fully in every aspect of our lives: This community is a great place to practice these new skills.

~ If you welcome this approach, rather than considering it as censorship, LEAP is a good fit for you: We would much rather not have to deal with this and we are looking forward to the time when such moderation is no longer necessary… but for right now it still is and we ask for your support in helping us accomplish this with ease and grace.

Purchase Options & some Additional Considerations

How may You be Guided to help Kick-start this LEAP Community Launch?

~ There are two purchase options for each offer: You can either purchase a membership for yourself or you can gift it to someone you know or someone on our “scholarship” list.

~ To provide a clear idea of how reduced our requested exchanges are, ranging from 70% to 84% off, we provide the actual value of each of the features and each of the offers.

~ We purposefully chose a greatly reduced exchange to allow the greatest number of individuals to participate, while still making it possible for us to procure the funds we need to launch.

~ If you are drawn to participate but are truly not able to afford to do so at this time, email us and write “Help with Special Offer” as the subject line: We will do our best to include all who wish to participate.

~ If you have a little abundance to spare, we hope you will consider helping us to be as inclusive as we possibly can by:
* adding a Donation/Gift when you purchase a membership,
gifting a membership to someone who has financial challenges – be it someone you know or someone on our list, or
* making a one-time Donation by going to our Support Us page and scrolling down for the donation options.

~ Below, you can choose the “SIGN-UP” button to purchase a membership for yourself and you will have the option to add a one-time Gift/Donation during the checkout process.

~ Choose the “GIFT” button to gift a Special Offer either (a) to someone you know and provide their email address during the check-out process, or (b) to someone on our “scholarship” list and provide our LEAP email address instead.

~ Important note: Because we will be using all incoming funds directly to pay for any additional services we still need to get fully operational and launched, we will not be able to provide any refunds; if you have some truly mitigating circumstances, contact us: However, we may simply not be able to refund you or it may take us some time to do so.


If what you’ve seen here Resonates and feels Exciting to You, come Join Us and be a part of this Global LEAP Community family.

We very much look forward to Meeting and to Co-creating with You!

Together We truly are Better… and Together We will most certainly Rise!

Special 3-Month “New Divine Human” Purchase Options

*  BASIC  *


$165 = 84% Off

 Community Access
 $22 * 3 =  $66
Private Group
 $11 * 3  =  $33
6 Activation Recordings
 $11 * 6 =  $66

12 Weekly Calls

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Private Session



$297 = 74% Off

Community Access
 $22 * 3 =  $66
Private Group
 $11 * 3  =  $33
6 Live Activations
 $33 * 6 =  $198

12 Weekly Calls

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Private Session



$561 = 77% Off

Community Access
$22 * 3 = $66
Private Group
$11 * 3 = $33
6 Live Activations
$33 * 6 = $198

12 Weekly Calls
$22 * 12 = $264

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Private Session



$760 = 70% Off

Community Access
$22 * 3 = $66
Private Group
$11 * 3 = $33
6 Live Activations

$33 * 6 = $198
12 Weekly Calls

$22 * 12 = $264
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Private Session