Privacy Policy

Our Approach to Your Privacy

Your Privacy is of utmost Importance to Us — just as much as Our own Privacy is!

Because of that, we here at the “Global LEAP Community” have a few fundamental principles we follow:

  • We do not ask you for personal information unless we truly need it to have the site function.

  • We do not share your personal information with anyone unless we would be compelled to do so on some legal basis – but even then only if there really would not be any other way. Y/Our information is indeed private and no one else’s business.

  • We only store the absolute minimum of information about you that is necessary for the site to operate.

  • We do not store your payment information on our website or server; it is only stored by the payment processing company we use [Stripe] and our site is encrypted.

  • We only use the cookies that are absolutely necessary to have our site be functional; that is the reason why we do not have any cookie opt-in/opt-out option for you to agree to.

  • BuddyBoss [the community platform I use] and all the plugins that are being used to create this website, the hosting company, the payment processing company, etc all have their own Privacy Policies related to their use. It would be bewildering to try and figure out what any of that might mean…

  • Having said this, I can tell you that everything we are using here to keep this website going uses the least amount of data [storage, tracking & usage] we can possibly manage just because we want to minimize all of that for all of our sake. That is the best I can tell you in terms of our Privacy Policy.

Having said all that, we all know that nothing we do or write online is truly private — as many of us are aware: Far from it! So, just as is the case anywhere else online, be mindful when you share information here in the Community.

I will revisit this document at some point, likely once I’ve established this ‘officially’ as a ministry. For now, I do not wish to use any of the legalese language I am supposed to because I don’t understand it and most of you don’t either. In that case, we would be agreeing to something neither of us wrote and neither of us can understand. 

Essentially, by agreeing to use this website and joining the community you are agreeing that you have read this and comprehend what is being said and are agreeing to this privacy policy.