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Fantastic to have You here!
Before going any further, please read the below.

If this is Your FIRST Time logging in, please carefully Read over the Agreements of Respect & Conduct below. If you are not willing to adhere to them, we ask that you do not join this Community.

Agreements of Respect & Conduct

Anyone who wishes to participate in this Community needs to have read & agreed to abide by this Code of Conduct. It is one of the Cornerstones of this Community: It makes it possible for us to speak our Truth in respectful ways and allows others to do the same. It fosters a safe environment and allows us to have meaningful interchanges and connections. If you have suggestions for changes or additions, please reach out.

As a General Approach – Be Kind, Courteous, Helpful, Tolerant, Understanding, Truthful, in Integrity, Open & Respectful – and, yes, you can do all that and have Your Boundaries!

  1. Be Okay to Disagree ~ A cornerstone of this community is that ALL belief systems, perspectives, understandings, etc. are welcome here. This means you will not agree with everybody; you have to be okay with that.
  2. Disagree Respectfully in Interchanges ~ We do encourage everyone to share their current perspectives, information & truths with each other. If you don’t like other’s perspective, just don’t engage with it. Others of us may be interested in having real interchanges with each other and to expand our current understanding. If you are engaging in thus interchanges, please do so respectfully. There is no censorship here.
  3. Zero Tolerance of Name Calling or Threats. Period. ~ Part of Co-creating the New Earth is LIVING It. Allowing everyone to be themselves and have their perspectives, and for You to do the same is Key. It isn’t always easy but this community is a Great Place to practice out tolerance. Again, there are plenty of Groups and Like-minded folks to engage with. Just ignore those you don’t agree with – Simple.
  4. Let’s be even more clear – No Inciting of Hate, Violence or Bullying ~ Everyone here Should be able to Feel Safe – make sure that they Can and Do! Bullying or hate speech of any kind is not permitted and degrading comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc, will not be tolerated.
  5. Respect Each Other’s Privacy ~ Clearly, although this is a Private Community, it is also still ‘public’. However, we strongly encourage you to honor each other’s privacy. Simply don’t share information about others with anyone else; it really isn’t good practice to do so in any setting. 
  6. No Promotional Posts in Groups & Forums ~ No promotion of products and services in any of the Groups, Forums, etc because it just gets overwhelming and “spammy”. You can always share information about what you offer on your own Timeline. We do have one group where we allow our major contributors and co-creators to do so – in case you are wondering about it.
  7. Suspension – Blocking – Moderation ~ No one has the time or energy, nor desire, to be your brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. If you have been reported or blocked by your fellow members more than 5 times your account will be suspended, admins notified and we will then have to spend our time looking into what is going on with you. Please just do your best not to let that happen ~ simply & profoundly treat everyone with the same Respect You’d like to Receive.