Frequently Asked Questions

YES, they do! This is one of the things that is truly important to us. Contrary to most other social media, ALL of your “Connections” (friends) and ALL of your “Followers” receive ALL of your posts, as it should be. If you have 50 friends, all of them will see your posts. If you have 5000, all of them will see your posts.  Members will also see ALL of the posts made in any of the Groups they have joined. In this way, members will receive ALL of the posts they want to see, but not those they have no interest in. 
NOTE: Because of this “personally tailored” feed, when members first join, without any connections, they would not have anything in their feed. We therefore add new Members into all of our Content Groups (eg Astrology, Movement, Energy Updates, Permaculture…) so they can see what is posted there in their feeds, as opposed to have blank feeds. We therefore suggest when you first log into the community, you go to the GROUP menu and scroll through all the groups; you can easily “leave” any Groups you have no interest in. 

No we do not!  Although we have specific areas (one group and several discussion threads) dedicated to providing information about LEAP Contributors and/or Individuals whose work we highly value, you will not see any “advertisement” in any of your feeds. You would have to go and seek out this information on your own


No there is not because we believe everyone should be able to express themselves freely and it is up to every person to use their own discernment to determine what they wish to believe and take action on.

Having said that, it is important to highlight that we do have a very clear Code of Respect and Conduct and we are making it a requirement for every person to carefully read over the information prior to signing up. Unless you feel aligned with our approach and agree to to your best to act in accordance with this Code, LEAP is not the right place for them. We will use moderation to enforce the Code because having a safe and open space where we can authentically share who we are and what we believe is integral to this Community. 

You can find out more information about how we handle the moderation process and any potential disagreements in the Code of Conduct document.

If you feel that happens, you can “flag” the content in question and we will review it. If we also feel that our Code was not adhered to, this “report” will count as a “strike”; if the person receives more than 3 strikes, we have the right to remove them.

NOTE: Fraudulently “flagging” someone’s content repeatedly, will be counted as a strike against you. Meaning, if someone maliciously flags another member, that person will receive a strike for every 3rd false flag. If you feel someone is falsely “flagging” you, reach out to us.

No, there are no algorithms here at all. If you make a post on your own Timeline, very person who you are connected (friends) with and every person who is following you will see ALL of your posts in their feed! If you make a post in a Group, every person who is also a member of that group, will receive your post in their feed. Furthermore, comments are not selectively shown and there is therefore no bias in the information displayed for you.

Yes, you can but only if you have signed up for a monthly subscription membership.  If you cancel within the first 5 days you can get a full refund. If you cancel later in the month, you will get a prorated refund. 

If you are signing up with a Special Offer, however, in most cases we will not be able not refund you. The reason for this is that the Special Offers are specifically designed as a means for us to crowd-fund our launch. This means that all of the money we receive will almost immediately be used towards purchasing something we still need in order to have our platform be fully functional, properly hosted and secured. In essence, we are counting on being able to use the funds immediately and will therefore not be able to return them to you. If there is an extreme and unexpected situation that has arisen for you and we still have enough funds to for a refund, we will accommodate you.

Good question!  We are using the absolutely MINIMAL Cookie Setting we can. Meaning, we only use the cookies we absolutely have to in order to allow the site and our features to function. We therefore to not have any opt-in or opt-out option.

As it says in the Documentation for the Marketplace, when you choose to use the Marketplace feature, YOU agree to take FULL Responsibility for whatever experience you end up having as it relates to the Marketplace and any interactions and purchases you will make.  It is your sole responsibility.

LEAP (or anyone affiliated with LEAP) is NOT responsible for any interactions on the Marketplace. We simply offer you the platform to connect with others to exchange. 

If you do have  a bad experience with someone on the Marketplace, please report them. You will have ways to report them via moderation and be sure to also send us an email and explain what happens.  We will look into the matter and make sure the person is blocked and removed if they are not following the Code of Conduct.

Just as is the case when you use any Social Media, YOU are entirely RESPONSIBLE for whatever action you take.
Unless you are certain about the person who left a link or sent a message, do NOT click on the link, period. Unless you know someone who is contacting you with an “offer”, unfortunately, do not engage; or if you want to, first be 100% sure the person is legit 
BEFORE you click on any link, at the very least, hover your cursor OVER the link and in the bottom left area, it will show you the ENTIRE LINK.  If the link that is shown is different from what you expect, for sure do NOT click on it.Â