Membership Checkout

Membership Information

You have selected the 14-Day Trial - Basic Community Only membership level.

You are signing up for a  14-day Trial  for the  BASIC Community Membership level. This is a one-time charge only & you will be notified when your trial ends.

The price for membership is $1.44 now. starting October 1, 2024.

Membership expires after 14 Days.

Account Information

Hint: The password should be at least twelve characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols like ! " ? $ % ^ & ).

Already have an account? Log in here

Required Information

This is information that you are required to fill out as part of your registration process. You will see that we are keeping this to the absolute minimum.

We ask that you give your real name that is associated with your payment. Please note that this is only for the administrative use. This information will NOT be shown anywhere. Once you are logged in, you can choose what "Name" you want to Display on your Member Profile.

Your location - do NOT give your exact location. This information is for our Maps & Marketplace. As indicated, skip this field for now. Once you are registered, we'd love for you to fill in the Location info.

If you need to connect with us to reset your password or make any other changes on your account for you, you will You will HAVE to PROVIDE YOUR PERSONAL SECURITY WORD. This will allow us to ensure that it is indeed YOU who is making this Request. This will help to keep this Community safer for Everyone -- even though it will take longer to get the matter attended to. INSTRUCTIONS: Pick a word or phrase you KNOW you WILL REMEMBER. We suggest to either pick (1) the Name of your FIRST PET or (2) the Name of your FIRST Boy/Girlfriend [or serious "Crush" if you haven't had a relationship yet]. If you do so, we can give you a reminder/hint what the word is about. If you forget this password, we will literally not be able to help you.

Terms - Code of Conduct - Privacy

It is Essential that you Read over our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service -- please do NOT skip this Step. Unless You AGREE to How we handle Your Privacy and to our Terms of Service, which includes our "Refund Policy" and our "Agreements of Respect and Conduct" that we ask All Members to abide by, please do NOT join. We want to be fully transparent so we will only have members who value and honor the same principles.

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